Gazi Institute of Education, English Language Teaching Program was established in October 1944. Hadiye Sayron, Mehmet Ali Erkiner, Edward Vivian Gatenby, M. Reşat Göndem, and Naciye Öncül are among the faculty members who have contributed to the establishment of the program. The training period was two years in the early stages of the program. During the 1961-1962 academic year, the period of education was increased to three years. Boarding students were accepted until 1971-72 academic year. In 1979, the period of education was increased to four years, and the name of the institution was changed to Gazi School of Higher Teacher Education. In 1982-1983 academic year, Gazi University was founded, and the name of Gazi School of Higher Teacher Education was changed to Gazi Faculty of Education. After this date, Department of Foreign Languages Education was established, and English, German, and French Language Teaching programs started to be part of Department of Foreign Languages Education. Then in 1991, the preparatory school period was included in the period of education, and total period was increased to five years. After the 1982-1983 academic year, a curriculum that was prepared by Higher Education Board started to be implemented.
Gazi University, English Language Teaching Program accepts an average of 50 students every year. Current student number is about 750. Bachelor's Degree in English Language Teaching was given to the graduates of the program. There are 9 professors, 3 associate professors, 5 assistant professor, 1 lecturer and 5 research assistants in the academic staff.
Our faculty is at the forefront of our strengths. Moreover, our department has an active role in defining policies in the field of language teaching and training English teachers in our country. The department is the oldest one among other English Language Teaching departments in Turkey, and it has the highest number of faculty members compared to other universities’ ELT departments. In terms of quality of education, it is also among the best ELT departments in Turkey. The faculty members carry out the education and training that is required to educate English teachers with a coherent distribution of tasks.
All the classrooms in the department have projectors, computers, and internet connection.Moreover, the presentation room, which is used jointly by other departments and in which there are rich resources related to language teaching, has also been put into the service of students and faculty members.
Many of our students who would like to continue their academic studies enroll in master and PhD programs of English Language Teaching departments in Turkey and abroad. Gazi University is one of the most prestigious universities that offer master and PhD education in English Language Teaching Department.
Our alumni can work in primary, lower and upper secondary schools as English language teachers. They are mostly employed in public and private institutions. Many of our alumni also work as the instructors at different universities’ preparatory schools.
Phone: +90 (0312) 202 84 69
Address: Gazi University Gazi Faculty of Education Department of Foreign Languages Education Division of English Language Education Teknikokullar/ANKARA 06500
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